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English translation for "the gambia"


Related Translations:
gambia:  n.冈比亚(甘比亚)〔非洲〕。n.-an 冈比亚人。
radio gambia:  冈比亚广播电台
gambia river:  冈比亚河网比亚河
gambia times:  冈比亚时报
gambia echo:  冈比亚回声
gambia shell:  网比亚贝
gambia airways:  冈比亚航空公司
gambia onward:  冈比亚前进报
gambia weekly:  冈比亚周报
gambia press union:  冈比亚广播协会
Example Sentences:
1.Two of them , nepal and the philippines , have since abolished it again ; in the other two , the gambia and papua new guinea , there have been no executions
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